Stable genuis rescues fraud genius

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Jul 18Liked by Motorhead

agreed on the dodging of indictment motives, but there's one more:

elon is looking at space X as his new baby. tesla is now his stepchild.

trump started space force (?!?) and elon sees that as an easy path to A) federally funded riches and B) mars

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Jul 21Liked by Motorhead


It looks like you are very right. Musk will get away, should Trump win.

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Jul 22Liked by Motorhead

Now it is going to get interesting. Kamala Harris is going to recharge all activists. IMHO Trump has still better chances to win, but now Democrats got at least fighting chance. I hope it is not going to end the same way as last time....

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Jul 19Liked by Motorhead

I always was thinking Musk would just fly to South Africa when needed.

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Musk cannot just run away. He is too rich for that. It would result in confiscation of his wealth in the US and he would be grounded in SA forever, eventually even jailed there. Since he is US citizen, the extradition should not be that difficult to do.

IMHO it is easier just to bribe the US president and get the "get away card" and move freely.

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Jul 23Liked by Motorhead

Thank you!

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Jul 18Liked by Motorhead

Well, even if DOJ prosecutes Musk prior election, he can still get a pardon from Trump can he not? Basically the justice is heavily dependent on the impossible - democrats winning the election.

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But it will always be on Musk’s record that he was indicted by the Feds.

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Jul 18Liked by Motorhead

Well yes, but who cares? Musk? Unlikely, because he will take the "victory lap" once get the pardon letter from Trump. So will members of St Felon Church....

Its like the Q2 Financial results: Eventually, you will be right with your estimate, but because Musk paid few million for the option trading trick, nothing will happen, because it is unlikely, that TSLA will go down more than 20%. Which is a lot in nominal value, but taking into account recent option "push up", it will still be 15% up comparing to mid-June.

Unless a miracle happens this year. Musk is pretty much out of troubles.

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"Unless a miracle happens this year, Musk is pretty much out of trouble".

Not it the Democrats win with a new candidate.

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Jul 19Liked by Motorhead

Fully agree. And it seems to me, that Democrats are frantically trying to find the right name. Do you see anyone, being able to step into the game?

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A lot of the points made are speculations

If an indictment is filed in July I don't see anything happening before the elections.

It is obvious that the current rulers in the white house don't like Musk.

I am not convinced that Musk will lose all the legal and regulatory if the Democrates win.

The tenor of constantly vilifying success entrepreneurs is much more concerning.

Maybe Musk should move all his companies to Argentina and collaborate with Milei

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18Author

If you're going to pan the report by saying "a lot of the points made are speculation", please tell us which points, exactly, and why.

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Sure, here are some I think fall into that category:

Does Musk actually need a pardon? - we don’t know

If he needs one, will he get it? - we don’t know

Will the pentagon protection suffice? we don’t know

Will the request to provide data lead to any further consequences for the company? - we don’t know

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Jul 19Liked by Motorhead

"...The tenor of constantly vilifying success entrepreneurs..."

IMHO, Musk would not be "vilifyed" should he refrain from promises, he is not able to deliver. What also does not help is, that some of his statements creates a criminal liability. Interpreting this that Musk is being unfairly bullied is just incorrect. You put the cart in front of the horse.

IMHO, Musk behavior was tolerated just too long for him to came to a conclusion, that laws apply just to others not to him. Few more "entrepreneurs" like Musk and the US is going to be destroyed internally, no need for Russia or China to use theirs missiles....

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Pavel - on the promises, would you mind telling me which ones you mean? - and maybe why (in case they are referring to things in the future)?

As for vilifying, I did not only mean Musk (we could even skip him for the reason you provided), but many of the really successful entrepreneurs.

Look at how politicians and the media talk and accuse people like Zuckerberg, Bezos, Michael Dell, Sam Altman, and many more.

If you listen to Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren no person interested to build a billion Dollar company should ever start doing that in USA or be ready to be accused of cheating, not paying taxes, not pulling their weight, not paying their fair share, etc. etc.

There are a few ways to kill an economy and innovation. Constantly complaining and vilifying those who are most successful is one way.

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Jul 21Liked by Motorhead

Well, I am not following Musk that closely, so I am going to mention the most obvious: 1) “Robotaxi at the end of next year” for last 10 years. 2)“Fully autonomous Tesla” with a driver only due to regulatory requirements, 3) “All Teslas have HW sufficient for full autonomy. Would you need more, I am sure, there are sites, tracking all Musks broken promises.

Regarding “vilifying” others than Musk: I do not have data handy to support or refute your claim. It does not seem to me, that Bezoz or Zuckerberg is dragged through media as much as Musk.

My opinion is, that should I be responsible for “strategical projects” in China or Russia. I would have had implemented few more “Musk-like” entrepreneurs into the US economy. The destruction and allocations of capital resulting from such action would internally eroded US internally and eventually caused an economic collapse.

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Thanks for taking the time to respond with examples.

To me a promise or goal is not broken just because it hasn’t materialized. Should one can always say that the suggested timeline has not been met if that was the promise’ main focus.

To me it has always been the substance.

Robotaxi will happen, probably starting next year

FSD is already happening and will continue to improve. When will it be level 5 (if ever) I don’t know but it will be basically autonomous, I think next year but really in full capability in 2026

HW is sufficient for FSD since start of HW 3. Everything that has been accomplished so far is on HW 3 with potential left to grow. Still new cars now have HW 4, which is much more capable and in 2025 HW 5 will be installed.

4680 energy density and charging capability has not reached the promised of battery day but will get there

Grok integration into the cars has not occurred but will probably start next year.

I like how Musk phrased it: “We deliver on our promises - just later than we originally hoped.”

The main point of my “villifying argument” is the constant bashing of people with lots of money and economic success. Musk is probably the most named, but many others are too. Lately it’s not even only the money anymore but everything they say can be used as a cause for character assassination, name calling, politicizing, etc.

As for a strategic role, I think western democracies have missed the point when industrial strategy needs to be renewed. After WWII the West developed great economies based on manufacturing and the internet, and information technology. That same approach is still in place while other countries, including China, India, Russia, etc. have decided to develop their own industrial strategies. Now they have a lead in some important fields that the West neglected.

The reaction to the realization is sanctions, tariffs, polarization, invocation of national security concerns, - but not any sign of an adjustment to the industrial strategy. What made the West great between 1050 and 2008 is not going to get us to be in a leading position in 2024 let alone 2030 or 2040.

A good example is the Paris climate accord. The West singed and the East seems to execute and adjust industrial strategy for it.

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You know, it is interesting, but I am not going in this debate any further. Each paragraph of your comment would require a page long explanation, why you are wrong :-). And I don't have the capacity to do so.

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Just had a debate with myself: IMHO it is very likely that Biden is going to step down from the race. But do Democrat have someone up in their sleeves as replacement to be able to take (politically I mean) Trump down? From my Central European perspective, Trump will give up on Ukraine, so the war is going to move on Polish border in few years. That I like even less than the US budget deficit caused by democrats....

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OK. Biden is out. Is there anyone, having chance against Trump?

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